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How to keep our Children Safe from Third Wave of Covid 19

There have been more than ever speculations on Reports that children are not at more risk from the third wave of COVID-19. However, it is safest to stay cautious for your children’s sake. Ever since the onset of this pandemic, there have been more potential strains on the horizon. Hence it is better to be careful than ever before.

It is of utmost importance to know about the virus and take necessary precautions to protect ourselves. COVID-19 has prompted parents to search for guidance about how to protect their kids and get to know of probable measures that needs to be taken, if their child or a family member exhibits COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive. As the number of COVID cases are increasing in kids, it’s more important than ever to protect them and keep the infection from spreading.

By and Large, Children have already exhibited their best practices during Covid 19. Imagine small kids wearing masks, washing their hands frequently or applying sanitizer before and after contact. In fact, it would be appropriate to laude the kids for the best practices, being followed by them so far. Having said that, we must continue educating our children about the pandemic and urge them to maintain the covid appropriate behaviours. By doing so, we will effectively mitigate the virus’s harmful effects while also keeping them safe. Here are a few pointers to help you do that.

Encourage Children to Stay Indoors

Though it’s difficult, keeping them indoors is one of the best solutions during this pandemic. Children are likely to be more if not as much susceptible as elders to the infection. Its better to avoid sending them outside to play. Instead involve the children in household tasks to keep boredom away. Simple activities like watering plants, cooking basic recipes, assisting in washing, or assisting with simple activities such as vegetables cleaning or washing dishes can keep them occupied.  Following this routine will help keep them more coordinated but will also impart new skills to become better organized and disciplined individuals.

Avoid Social Activities at home and teach your children to maintain social distance

Now, it is best advised to stop having social activities at home. Since, the virus is extremely infectious and communicable, it is advised to be careful and maintain social distance. In addition, if you have guests, instruct your children to maintain social distance. Practise social distancing, especially if you’re in a crowded place.

Maintain Personal Hygiene

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth as much as possible. Wash your hands often with either soap or an alcohol-based sanitizer for 20 seconds. Make sure the children wash their hands often and thoroughly enough to prevent any contact with the virus.  Take special precautions to keep the indoor surfaces clean, disinfected, and tidy. Consult a specialist at the earliest in case of any suspected symptoms reported by your child.

Disinfect Surfaces Regularly

In addition to washing your hands regularly, frequently scrub and wipe touched surfaces and objects. According to experts, the virus will lock on to objects or surfaces, exposing you or your children to a polluted surface. Hence to avoid, disinfect surfaces as thoroughly as possible.

Always Wear Masks

According to few analysis reports, it is learnt that COVID-19 virus can mostly transmit through air too. It can spread through massive droplets known as aerosols. When your child has visitors or is in a busy environment, make sure he or she wears a mask.

By following all the afore mentioned precautions and safety measures you can minimise the risk of contracting the virus and protect yourself and your child effectively.

“It’s OK to let your children know that there are some new germs in the environment and that we all need to do our part to reduce their spread,” “You can tell them that we are all still learning about it, but that you are doing everything possible to make sure they stay safe and healthy.” Guarding the future generations begins with the discipline we inculcate in them, and every small decision has a multiplier effect towards a safer, healthier future.

What are the Ideal steps to be taken by parents for the overall safety and health of children?

  1. Now is the right time to instil self-hygiene in children. Train your children to follow good hygiene practices like washing their hands thoroughly for 20 whole seconds. Ensure they always have an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with them, covering the mouth while coughing or sneezing, and wearing a mask when stepping out or playing with other children, although it’s best to avoid any kind of social gathering.


  1. Create awareness in children about the ill consequences of violating precautionary measures. They should be able to understand their actions influence not only their own health, but that of their loved ones around them and the country by large. This will help them be more careful with every action in their day to day lives.
  2. Again, this is the right time to bring in a sense of all round care for themselves, their family, community and by and large society. If their indoor environment is unclean, they promptly clean and disinfect it. If they are outdoors and notice a crowd accumulating, they should know to keep their social distance of at least 6 feet.
  3. Prolonged isolations and inactivity can be difficult for children, both physically and mentally. Efforts needs to be taken to keep them busy and occupied. Extended periods of isolation and staying at home with nothing productive to do can lead to depressive and anxious thoughts. It helps to introduce your children to new hobbies that will stimulate their mind and body to keep them engaged more productively and maintain a positive attitude.


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