Department of Dental Surgery and Oral Implants
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Dental Surgery and Oral Implants
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The Department of dental surgery and Oral implants provide exclusive range of all dental care from basic diagnosis, routine dental procedures to complex reconstructive surgeries. Our team of experts is specialized in hard hitting procedures like Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Advanced Conservative Treatment, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Dental Implants, Paedodontics, Aesthetic Dentistry, Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry.
Department of Dental Science at Trustwell Hospital is not only specialized in the art of meticulous treatment but also organize hygiene programs for awareness in the field of dentistry. Our doctors’ relentless efforts with vibrant, ultra-hygienic, advanced dental equipment assist patient with full spectrum of treatment from simple tooth decay to complex maxillofacial defects, trauma, and congenital deformities, along with aesthetic reconstructive makeovers.
The principles of this Department lands for the successful treatment by affirming customized tailored plans along with maintaining our sterilization and infection control measures which uphold the international standards, making us stand out Dental department in Bangalore. Our team of dental surgeons works wholeheartedly in organization with oral and maxillary department to revive and revitalize the condition of patient.
Comprehensive and specialized dental treatment for the patients having problems like-
- Tooth decay
- Tooth abscess
- Dental prosthetics
- Malocclusion
- Aesthetic dentistry
- Preventive dentistry
- Maxillary Trauma
- Pediatric dentistry
- TMD joint disorders
- Dental Implant
- Jaw tumor and cyst
With best sterilization and disinfection measure undertaken as per international standard we stand up top in the hygiene zone. Hence treating various diseases like-
- Periodontal therapy.
- Preventive procedures.
- Interceptive orthodontics.
- Endodontics and oral surgical procedures.
- Preprosthetic and dental or full mouth rehabilitative procedure
- Crown and bridges
- Laser surgeries.
- Root canal surgeries
- Oral and Maxillofacial surgery
- Dental Implantology
- Orthodontics
- Geriatric dentistry
- Advanced and customized implants
- Computer assisted navigation.
- Navigation surgery- It helps in orbital reconstruction with a Titanium mesh without putting any risk of injury to the Optic nerve.
- 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- 128- Slice Computed Tomography (CT) scan.
- Different types of Biopsies.
- Laser surgery.
- Digital X-rays.
- High definition Digital camera
Specialization and Expertise
Team of Dental Surgery and Oral Implants

Bds, Mds Prosthodontics And Implantology
Consultant Prosthodontist

BDS, MDS (Prosthodontics, MFD RCSI (Ireland)
Consultant Prosthodontist
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Team of Cardiology Specialists

Dr. Manish Joshi

Dr. Manish Joshi

Dr. Manish Joshi

Dr. Manish Joshi

Dr. Manish Joshi
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