
Trustwell Hospitals – Best Hospital in Bengaluru

Trustwell Oncology Department


Standing up, standing strong and standing together with patients at every given moment is the secret behind Trustwell Hospital’s successful and continued fight with cancer.

Oncology has never been the same before as our efficient oncologists brilliantly combine technology and subject expertise to bring about a positive change in every patient’s life. Awareness is the first step and we begin right from there.

What is Oncology?

Cancer is curable if diagnosed early. Rapid growth in medical science has been seen in  Oncology, which covers Medical, Surgical and Radiation Oncology. Cancer treatment calls for a multi-dimensional approach, which can combine various types of treatment that complement each other, interact smoothly and at the end of the day, deliver a great clinical outcome, to the complete satisfaction of both, doctors and patients.

With extensive clinical experience and vast research background, the Oncology team at Trustwell Hospital has the expertise and training in diagnosing cancer, counselling the patients in the most professional manner with respect to treatments available and delivering Surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and/or hormone therapy.

Breast oncology:

  • Modified Radical Mastectomy
  • Sentinel lymph node and Breast Conservation Surgery
  • Oncoplasty
  • Reconstructive surgery

Head and Neck Oncology and reconstructive surgery:

  • Thyroid and parotid surgery
  • Oral malignancy ( Tongue and Cheek Cancer )
  • Aesthetic reconstruction with regional and free flaps
  • Laryngectomy with TEP voice prosthesis

Gastro Intestinal oncology:

  • Advanced Laparoscopic colorectal surgery
  • Retroperitoneal tumors
  • Upper GI malignancy ( Stomach and Esophageal cancers)
  • Liver and Biliary malignancy
  • Pancreatic cancer surgeries


  • Pelvic and paraaortic lymph node dissections
  • Total peritonectomy and Cyto reductive surgery for ovarian and peritoneal malignancy 

Skin and soft tissue tumors:

  • Sentinel Lymph node and reconstruction
  • Inguinal block dissections

Thoracic surgery:

  • Lobectomy/Pneumonectomy for Ca Lung
  • Transthoracic Esophagectomy – VATS
  • Mediastinal tumor excisions


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With our Doctor’s – You are in Experienced Hands. When you book an appointment with us, you get the assurance of best Doctors in Bangalore, supported by the latest technology and a world class service.

Specialization and Expertise

Cancer of solid organs is best treated with Radical surgical procedures which involves enbloc removal of all affected tissues which retaining or replacing aesthetic appearance and functional outcomes. This can be done by minimally invasive procedures like Laparoscopy or Robotic Surgery or by aesthetic reconstruction with high quality plastic surgery. The team at TRUSTWELL hospital includes Surgical Oncologist, Head and Neck Oncologist, Uro Oncologist, GI surgeons and Plastic surgeons. 

In many cancers , in the early stage, Radical surgery alone is sufficient to remove all affected cancer tissues. In advanced cancers , Surgery is combined with Chemotherapy and or Radiation to get best possible outcomes and reduce the risk of recurrence.

Head and Neck Cancers include cheek cancers, tongue cancers , throat cancers . These are treated with Surgery and or Radiation mainly and sometimes with Chemotherapy. The highly skilled doctors at Trustwell hospital thrives to combine radical surgery with restoration of speech and swallowing while maintaining an aesthetic appearance to put a smile back on patients faces.

Many cancers in the early stage , like breast cancer and skin cancers are treated with less morbid procedures like sentinel lymph node biopsy which help maintain oncological radicality while minimising the long term side effects like lymphedema.

Cancer surgeries can be done with minimally invasive techniques like Laparoscopy and Robotic Surgery. This combines oncological radicality with less painful and cosmetically appealing small incisions to save the patients from the stigma of the scar while enabling them to recover early with minimal pain. 

The Oncology team at Trustwell hospital routinely do minimally invasive oncological surgeries for GI cancers, rectal cancers, uterine cancer, cervical cancer, renal cancer,  prostate cancer and many more.

Chemotherapy is a well-known form of cancer treatment which forms an integral part of Medical Oncology. It is a type of treatment which uses drugs to kill cancer cells. This treatment is recommended by oncologists depending upon which stage of cancer the patient finding himself/herself in.

Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy works in a pattern of stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells, which grow and divide quickly. But it can also harm quickly dividing healthy cells, such as those that lie in the mouth and intestines or cause hair to grow. Damage to healthy cells may cause side effects.

Patients, who choose to take up chemotherapy, need to be mentally and physically prepared for the treatment and that is where our team of medical oncologists at Trustwell hospitals are excellent. 

As the name suggests, Immunotherapy is all about treating cancer with the help of the immune system. Your body’s immune system plays a pivotal role in maintaining a strong basic health which can prove very essential in fighting diseases like cancer. 

Immunotherapy has brought in lot of hope and positivity in cancer treatment as it helps in not only recognizing cancer cells but also enhances the body’s defence mechanism to combat and destroy cancer cells. It also helps in reducing side effects caused due to some of the other conventional cancer treatments to a great extent

Targeted Therapy is different from the other type of cancer treatments. It is also sometimes referred to as personalized medicine. Targeted Therapy treatment is used to attack cancer cells directly and leave alone the healthy cells. Targeted drugs often work by blocking cancer cells from multiplying themselves. This means they can help stop a cancer cell from generating new cancer cells. Traditional chemotherapy, however, kills cancer cells that have already been made.

Hormone therapy is aimed at destroying all those hormones in the body which have the ability to generate cancer cells. Some of the types of cancers which are hormone sensitive are breast cancer and prostate cancer. Medical oncologists at Trustwell Hospitals have the clinical finesse to use hormone therapy in combination with either chemotherapy or radiations, to get a satisfactory result. 

One of the highlights of cancer treatment at Trustwell Hospitals is the ability of our seasoned team of medical oncologists to use high end therapeutic techniques like molecular and genetic profiling. While molecular profiling helps in analysing whether the patient can respond to cancer treatments, genetic profiling helps in finding out how effective a specific type of cancer treatment can be.

Team of Oncology

Dr. Anand Subash - Consultant Head & Neck Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgeon

MBBS, M.S ( E.N.T )

Consultant - Head & Neck Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgeon

Dr. S. K. Raghunath - Senior Consultant Urooncologist

MBBS, MS(General Surgery)

Senior Consultant - Urooncologist

Dr. Kavitha Jain - Consultant Surgical Oncology


Consultant - Surgical Oncology

Team of Endocrine Oncologist

Dr. Swati Ramteke Jadhav - Consultant Endocrinologist And Endocrine

MBBS, DM (Endocrinology)

Consultant Endocrinologist And Endocrine Oncologist

Team of Medical Oncologist

Dr. Ravi Thippeswamy - Senior consultant, Medical oncology

MBBS, MD, DNB (Medical oncology), ECMO

Senior consultant, Medical oncology

Team of Hepatobiliary Surgery

Dr Roopa Bhushan - Surgical Gastroenterologist in Bangalore

MBBS, MS, DNB - Laparoscopic Surgery

Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist


Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist

Team of Hematologist and BMT

MBBS, MD, DM Clinical Hematology

Director Hematology & Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT)

MBBS, MD Fellowship (Clinical Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplant).

Clinical Lead Hematology and BMT

Team of Radiation Oncologist

MBBS, MD Oncology, DNB (Radiation Oncology), F – ESMO

Visiting Consultant – Radiation Oncologist


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